Home Up "Parts" Hiding items


The only type of link in the current version of i2Brain which has a special behaviour is a "part" link. It shows that one item is "a part of" another. The special behaviour is that you can hide or display all the "parts" of an item. In the project planning example, "Write CD" is shown by the red arrow to be a "part of" the overall activity "Decide on production details":

Hiding some of the details can sometimes help you to understand them better or to get an overview:

The item "Write CD" has been hidden. "Hiding" offers a much more flexible way of hiding and showing items depending on their links.


You inform the program that two items are related in this special way by drawing a link of the type "Part of" between them. There are 3 ways to do this:

Using the icon in the toolbar as described under "links".
Choose "Insert | Part of(red)" in a view's menu, then click on the major item. Without releasing the left mouse key, drag the mouse to the item showing the "part". (The mouse cursor changes.) And there you release the mouse key. OR
Right-click the major item, choose "Links | Part of" and draw the line as above. OR
If you haven't input the "part" yet, right-click the major item and choose "Add part". A new item is opened below the one you clicked, and the red arrow is automatically added between them.

Hiding and displaying parts

Right-click an item and choose "Hide parts" or "Show parts".

The next page in the tutorial shows an even more powerful way of using these "parts" links to determine which items are shown.

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